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How to avoid pothole damage?

Updated on 01/01/2024

We’ve all gone over a pothole and thought “I hope that hasn’t done any damage” as you bump up and down over the frustrating potholes.

These potholes can cause a lot of damage to your vehicle which can be costly and potentially cause accidents.

Fortunately for you, there are many steps that you can take to reduce the risk of damage a pothole can cause.

We’ll go through:

  • Keep your eyes on the road
  • Keep your distance.
  • Don’t brake harshly!
  • Make sure your tyres are in good condition and inflated properly.

Keep your eyes on the road.

Keeping your eyes on the road allows you to spot any potential potholes ahead, meaning you can avoid them and their damage. Be aware, this is very important in wet conditions as puddles may hide deeper potholes which can cause even more damage if gone over at speed.

Keep your distance.

You should also maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you. This allows you to see the potholes ahead, which you wouldn’t be able to do if you were tailgating.

Don’t brake harshly!

Braking too hard can cause extra stress on your front suspension due to the vehicle tilting forward. The best thing you can do when approaching a pothole is to slow down giving you plenty of time to just coast over the pothole. If you don’t have enough time to slow down to a safe speed, it’s best to maintain the same speed instead of braking at the last minute as braking harshly on top of a pothole may cause more damage.

Make sure your tyres are in good condition and inflated properly.

Your tyre condition makes a huge difference when going over potholes. Under-inflated tyres can increase the chances of your vehicle getting damaged when going over a pothole, so having properly inflated tyres will give you extra peace of mind.

To find the exact tyre pressure you need, check your car's manual or you can find this on your driver’s door. Regularly check your tyres for dents/punctures or excessive wear.

Even if you use all these tips, you still need to be careful. But by taking these steps, you will have the best chance of not receiving damage to your car and having a smoother car journey. If you notice anything wrong with your vehicle after going over a pothole, make sure that you get your vehicle checked by a professional at your local Chorley Group branch.

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